Silja Voordeckers

Founder | Managing Partner

As a business consultant, facilitator, trainer and coach, I combine years of successful business experience in various sectors with my NLP insight, my certified knowledge of Appreciative Inquiry, Deep Democracy and Lumina, my Business Economic thinking cap and scientifically based didactics.
I have worked closely with numerous companies, such as SAP, Cegeka, Mobilexpense, Belgoprocess , Expensya, Prophix, NN Insurance, Siemens Yunex, Athena Graphics, ACCO, Campari, Roche Diagnostics, and others, on national and international level.
My strength lies in detecting patterns & helping people grow by offering other angles for introspection.
With passion for personal growth of others, I keep them on their toes to produce tangible and lasting results. This way, I help professionals and their teams to discover and capitalise on their talents and intrinsic capabilities. My professional languages: Dutch, French and English.

More information can be found on my Linkedin-profile.